Reading Groups
Reading Groups focus on reading magazines, books, online articles from local websites and newspapers such as the Ann Arbor Observer. They are divided into low-intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced reading material. Some groups may include children.
Reading Groups
Reading Groups focus on reading magazines, books, online articles from local websites and newspapers such as the Ann Arbor Observer. They are divided into low-intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced reading material. Some groups may include children.
Discussion Groups
Discussion Groups meet once or twice a month to discuss topics or films. Meetings give women from around the world a chance to learn about each other and each other’s cultures. Discussions take place in the language of the group (English, French, German, and Spanish).
1. Topic Group (Advanced English)
First and Third Wednesday, 1 pm - 3 pm
We meet and discuss topics suggested by our members. Everyone takes a turn speaking. It is very informal and fun.
Accepting new members. Priority given to NEW International Neighbor members, with consideration made to maximize the diversity of Nationalities.
2. What's Happening - Current Events Group (Intermediate English)
Second and Fourth Monday, 1 pm – 2:15 pm
This is a small group that meets at Westgate Library to discuss current events happening in the world around us - both local and farther afield.
Cannot accept new members at this time
3. Film Group One (Advanced English)
First and Third Thursday, 7:30 pm – 10 pm
Our diverse group of women enjoy watching international movies that have been recommended by members. Each alternate meeting we discuss a topic relevant to the movie we have just watched. Our long traditions include several special events, such as an Annual Picnic, Oscar Contest, and White Elephant Sale. All dependent on current health guidelines.
Cannot accept new members at this time
4. Film Group Two (Advanced English) Second and Fourth Friday,
12:30 pm – 4 pm
We meet at members’ homes. We have a sign-up sheet for members to supply light refreshments. Our films begin promptly at 1 pm followed by a discussion that generally lasts until 4 pm. All films are either in spoken English or English subtitles. We view a variety of films from around the world. We do not view films with graphic violence, however some films have contained war-related bloodshed.
Accepting New Members
5. French Group
First and Third Tuesday, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Le groupe français accueille les nouveaux membres. Nous nous réunissons deux fois par mois pendant l’année scolaire, le premier et le troisième mardi soir. Une réunion est par Zoom, l’autre chez un membre. Les sujets de conversation sont variés.
Accepting New Members
6. German Group
First and Third Monday, 1 pm - 3 pm; Meets via Zoom
This group welcomes native and nonnative speakers to share their thoughts about topics of general interest and German and American culture. Members support each other to stay connected to their home country and to adjust and feel at home abroad. Everyone has a great opportunity to improve their knowledge of the German language.
Accepting new members.
7. Spanish Group
Second Tuesday, 7:30-9pm
This is a social and friendly group. While we speak about a lot of themes, it is very organic and depends on each of us. The level of Spanish is pretty high as many of the members are from a Spanish speaking countries, and the other few have each lived in a Spanish speaking country for a while. Most of us prefer to meet at night because we work during the day.
The meetings take place at people’s home; the host usually offers some “pica pica” type of food, and sometimes people chose to bring a little something. It is not a formal group, but a happy one!
Cannot accept New Members at this time.