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Congratulations IN Graduates – Our Newest Neighbors!

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

By Carole, Neighbors Follow-Up Coordinator

You may not know it, but our members are divided into two groups: Newcomers and Neighbors. You are a Newcomer if you just came to Ann Arbor from another country and you have been here LESS than 3 years. You are a Neighbor if you are from the U.S. or Canada OR if you have been here MORE than 3 years. A few years ago, we started a new group called “Graduates.” This group consists of Newcomers who have been here three years and thus are graduating into the Neighbors group. Graduates, now new Neighbors, are welcome to help in organizing and running IN groups and events if they’d like to.

November is the month we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Around that time, we think about what we are and have been thankful for. I thought it would be appropriate to tell our Graduates, or newest Neighbors, how thankful we are that you found International Neighbors and for your participation, contributions and, most of all, for your friendship these past three years! You make International Neighbors a great organization! Congratulations and thank you so much!!

Please know that you are remembered and appreciated! Take care and stay safe until we are able to see you in person and thank you with a smile, a hug, or bouquet of spring flowers (or all three)! We’d also like to know how you’re doing. Please let us know what groups you’re in and, if possible, send us a picture of yourself in one of your groups. Maybe we can feature pictures and stories in the January Newsletter.




Registered Charity: 38-6092566


We are not affiliated with any religious or political group. International Neighbors is not a social service agency. We do not offer advice on such subjects as taxes, financial and legal affairs or passports and immigration.

International Neighbors of Ann Arbor

We are a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial organization that welcomes ALL women from ALL nations with friendship, love, and respect. We stand with our newcomers and longtime members, as good neighbors do, and support them in times of need.

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