By Melissa

Spring is the perfect time to join a hiking group!
Our Thursday hiking group is restarting in April, and we have two other walking/hiking groups going strong. Our Monday hiking group (10am to 12pm) and our Monday stroller walking group (10:30am to 11:30am) meet every week.

New: Thursday Hiking Group (Year Round)
Second and Fourth Thursdays of the month, 10am-12pm
We meet at local parks year round, weather permitting. An email is sent to group members on Saturday with the location. We hike for 1 ½ - 2 hours, sometimes we go up steep hills. We take a break halfway. No one hikes alone and we talk as we walk.
For all groups: Come any day you can, but arrive by 10 am because we leave on time.
You can sign up for all of the walking/hiking groups on our IN website.