By Shirley
Not even the cold and the rain could keep us away from our September 23rd Gathering at Gallup Park, Maas Shelter. It was wonderful to see so many of our members again. We had newcomers as well as neighbors (experienced members) chatting, mingling and catching up with or getting to know one another. Newcomers had the opportunity to ask area coordinators and group leaders any questions they had, and we provided information on all our groups. We also enjoyed beverages and snacks.
Thanks to a small army of volunteers our gathering was a success. We would like to take this opportunity to thank: Andra and Jennifer, who organized the event, all area coordinators, group leaders, the communications team, the web team, the Newsletter team, the IN Day committee, and especially Robyn, for helping put together this event. We also thank all of you who attended the gathering. We’ve laid the foundations for a good year of IN.
Thank you so much!