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In Case You Missed It: Persian New Year (Nowruz)

By Shirley

Last month, we celebrated Persian New Year (Nowruz), which marked the beginning of Spring. Mojgan and her team of wonderful and dedicated friends, organized the best attended IN Day so far this year! At the beginning of our meeting, we had a presentation about the Haft-sin table - the symbolism and significance of all the elements adorning the table. All the ladies in the group wore beautiful, colorful and ornate outfits which they had been preparing for the occasion for several weeks before our encounter. Then we had the ladies’ Persian dance performed by the Ta’a Moullat Dance Group. To top it off, we were invited to share in delicious dishes typical for the occasion. So much food! Such a good party! 

Thank you to all the ladies who volunteered their time to give us this wonderful opportunity to learn more about your culture! Hope to have another Nowruz celebration at IN next year!



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International Neighbors of Ann Arbor

We are a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial organization that welcomes ALL women from ALL nations with friendship, love, and respect. We stand with our newcomers and longtime members, as good neighbors do, and support them in times of need.

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