1930 - 2021

By Robyn
An Ann Arbor native, Marilyn was instrumental in building International Neighbors from the earliest years, welcoming hundreds of guests from over sixty countries and inspiring others to do the same. Modest to the core, she liked to say she “had done all the jobs at IN'', including serving as President. She was the long time leader of the Sassafras Tea Group, and would sometimes invite a guest to join her group if she looked lonely sitting by herself at IN Day. One hostess said “I loved Marilyn’s leadership style, so welcoming, so gracious, so hospitable. If she’s still leading, count me in!” Marilyn encouraged her guests to put together an online cookbook that represented their different cultures. She always had a special place in her heart for young international mothers. The photo below shows Marilyn helping a new mother make choices at the furniture exchange we once had. At age 89 she would come to the Nursery on IN Day to help out with the babies and toddlers so their mothers could enjoy the program.
