Welcome to the October issue of the International Neighbors Newsletter!
As the weather and the tree colors start changing, we are excited about October IN Day: Incredible India. A committee of IN members have been arduously working to prepare an afternoon full of the colors, flavors and music that will warm your heart and make you forget the approaching cooler Fall days. They will share their culture in dance, music, fashion and cuisine.
Please mark your calendars (see details below)!

To help you learn more about Indian culture, Ammu gives us an overview of the regional differences in saree fashion in “Vibrant Threads: Exploring India’s Diverse Regional Clothing”.
How was your very first encounter with your in-laws? Stephanie tells us about one of the favorite men in her life: Daddy Zindabad.
We are getting to know our fellow IN members, and this month we have the privilege to learn more about Maria F. Maria is an artist who works with recycled materials to create… everything! From puppets, to wall hangings to clothes, Maria has been working hard to upcycle what others would discard. Read more in “Creative Recycling: My Journey”.
Dale writes about the Conversation Groups. Learn more about them and about their group leaders. You will get excited to join one of these groups.
Maybe you are more interested in a Reading Group? The Advanced Reading Group invites all for Happy Hour: an evening gathering of conversation over drinks.
Yen-Ling prepared a fabulous Community Event Resources list to find your next entertainment in the Ann Arbor area. With her list, you can find free concerts and other happenings in town.
In Case You Missed our Open House last month, we have a bunch of photos to make you regret not coming to our gathering. Joking! But it is lovely to see so many faces working together to make International Neighbors reach its goals. Thank you to all volunteers who make all IN events possible!
Hope to see you on October 17 for Incredible India!