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Pumpkin Pie

By Shirley

If you are new to the United States, you will have realized that Fall is "​pumpkin time"​. At this time of the year, there is a craze around the country for everything pumpkin: pumpkin lattes, pumpkin candy, pumpkin cookies… you name it! So, it is not going to come as a surprise to our readers that pumpkin pie is one of the more popular desserts at the Thanksgiving table. What you may not know is that most of the pumpkins we see everywhere for sale should not be used for your recipe. I too thought I could use  one of the pumpkins for sale during Fall to make a pumpkin pie, but realized too late it was the wrong choice. The pumpkins used for carved pumpkins on Halloween are for adorning your house at Thanksgiving; they are ornamental pumpkins. They don't taste bad, they just don't taste like anything!

For cooking, you have to find the sugar pumpkins which usually are designated cooking or baking pumpkins at the grocery store. They are much smaller than the ornamental pumpkins and, best of all, have that pumpkin taste. You need to roast the pumpkin and remove all the seeds before you can puree the pumpkin pulp for your pumpkin pie. Or, you can skip the whole process and just use canned pumpkin, available at any grocery store at this time of the year. 

For a good pumpkin pie recipe, please check out this external link.



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