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Tea Groups

By Robyn

This has been an interesting year for the Tea Groups. Some Tea Groups, dormant during the pandemic, have come back larger and stronger than ever.The social bonds of long term members has brought everyone back together, welcoming a smaller, but very enthusiastic group of newcomers with a colorful set of programs.  Other Tea Groups have experienced life circumstances and have simply met when they could. We have a smaller number of Tea Groups now, but those that remain continue their legendary hospitality for all International Neighbors.



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We are not affiliated with any religious or political group. International Neighbors is not a social service agency. We do not offer advice on such subjects as taxes, financial and legal affairs or passports and immigration.

International Neighbors of Ann Arbor

We are a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial organization that welcomes ALL women from ALL nations with friendship, love, and respect. We stand with our newcomers and longtime members, as good neighbors do, and support them in times of need.

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