Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups offer a wide range of activities including food groups, arts and crafts, exercise and fitness and fun excursions. Participants meet together in groups to cook, knit, hike and eat dinner at local restaurants and go on outings for games, etc.
All activities provide great opportunities for women to talk and make new friends. Groups meet weekly, twice a month or monthly.
1. Vegetarian Cooking Group
Second Monday, 11:00 am – 1 pm
The group is for vegetarian and non-vegetarian women who would like to learn more about vegetarian cooking. It’s important to have women from many countries, so we learn about food from different cultures. We take turns making vegetarian dishes and bringing them (or demonstrating how to make them) at our meetings.
Accepting New Members, with consideration made to maximize the diversity of Nationalities.
2. International Cooking Group One
First Friday, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Meetings will begin at 9:30 am the leader’s home and will end around 12:30 pm, after the group has consumed the food prepared that day. Each member will “demonstrate” by preparing typical dishes of her home country (using ingredients brought by her).
Accepting New members, with consideration made to maximize the diversity of Nationalities.
3. International Cooking Group Two - NEW!
Second Friday, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Meetings will begin at 9:30 am the leader’s home and will end around 12:30 pm, after the group has consumed the food prepared that day. Each member will “demonstrate” by preparing typical dishes of her home country (using ingredients brought by her).
Accepting New members, with consideration made to maximize the diversity of Nationalities.
4. Persian Fun Group
Second Thursday every other month, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Learn more about Persian culture, including food, literature, holidays, music and dance.
Also join us for occasional daytime outings if weather permits. Women from all countries and languages are welcome.
Accepting New members
5. Knitting Group
Second and Fourth Thursday, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The group is for women who CAN knit. You don’t need to know a lot, just how to knit and purl. We share patterns and help you improve your skills. You purchase your own yarn and needles. We have pattern books, etc. that you can borrow. We have supplies to use for practice. We meet in a craft room for two hours. Come when you can and stay for one or two hours.
Limited availability, with priority given to NEW International Neighbor Members
6. Hiking Group One (Year Round)
Every Monday, 10 am - 12 pm
We meet at local parks year round, weather permitting. An email is sent to group members on Saturday with the location. We hike for 1 ½ - 2 hours, sometimes we go up steep hills. We take a break halfway. No one hikes alone and we talk as we walk.
Come when you can, but arrive by 10 am because we leave on time.
Accepting New Members
7. Hiking Group Two (Year Round)
Second and Fourth Thursday, 10 am - 12 pm
We meet at local parks year round, weather permitting. An email is sent to group members on Saturday with the location. We hike for 1 ½ - 2 hours, sometimes we go up steep hills. We take a break halfway. No one hikes alone and we talk as we walk.
Come when you can, but arrive by 10 am because we leave on time.
Accepting New Members
8. Stroller Walking Group
Every Monday, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
We meet for a 1-hour walk, weather permitting. An email will be sent the week prior to the meeting with the location. Come when you can, but arrive by 10:00 am because we leave on time.
*** Children are included in this group. Strollers, baby carriers, tricycles, balance bikes, and bikes for kids are acceptable.
If your toddler would like to walk we can include some slow walking time towards the end of the walk for them.
Accepting New Members Optional: Stay afterward to play.
9. Chat and Chew Group
First Tuesday, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join this fun and active group to get to know each other and establish lasting friendships in a casual environment. We are a dinner group that meets September through May in area restaurants. We decide on the next place to visit at the end of each meet up.
10. Fun and Games Group (Mostly Year Round)
Third Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
We are a fun loving group that enjoys a variety of activities, all accompanied by constant conversation and food if possible! We might meet at the home of a member or meet about town. Examples of things we have done in the past year; Bowling, Summer Festival, Halloween Craft Night, Pickleball, Word Games, Board Games at Blom etc.
Limited availability, with priority given to NEW International Neighbor Members
Pop-up events take part in Ann Arbor & neighboring communities’ attractions and events.
The purpose of these events is to give members, family and friends, the opportunity to discover the area and create stronger social connections.
We hope that events where members can bring all their family (spouses/partners and children) will be valuable in creating a core community group from which membership in International Neighbors will grow.
Pop-up events do not have a set time or date of meeting as it will differ with each event.
Information about events will be sent to IN members as emails, postings on Facebook, Instagram, etc.. Sign-up will be done for each event separately to allow members to attend any event that interests them.
Events are open to all members. Please check the Newletter and the Events section for upcoming Pop-Ups.